home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2007-11-07 | 23.9 KB | 1,166 lines |
- ;---------------------------------------
- ; PSPad clip definition file for Ruby
- ; based on TextMate Snippets
- ; Author: VKyr
- ; Last revision: 06. Nov 2007 19:46
- ; File version: 1.0
- ;
- ; -----------------
- ;
- ; Note on used color scheme:
- ;
- ; navy color - is used for common ruby clips
- ; black color - is used for TextMate like Ruby clips
- ;
- ;---------------------------------------
- [Macro definition]
- ;---------------------------------------
- ;------------------------
- ;------textmate----------
- %arguments%=@E Arguments:,,args,,
- %args%=@E Arguments:,,args,,
- %attr_names%=@E Attribute:,,names,,
- %attribute%=@E Attribute:,,name,,
- %element%=@E Element:,,elem,,
- %collection%=@E Collection:,,collection,,
- %condition%=@E Condition:,,x<y,,
- %dump%=@E Dump:,,,,
- %Exception%=@E Exception:,,name,,
- %arr%=@E Array:,,,,
- %a%=@E Var:,,a,,
- %e%=@E Var:,,e,,
- %i%=@E Var:,,i,,
- %n%=@E Var:,,n,,
- %byte%=@E Byte:,,,,
- %chr%=@E Chr:,,,,
- %mem%=@E Mem:,,,,
- %var%=@E Var:,,,,
- %init%=@E Init:,,,,
- %index%=@E Index:,,,,
- %item%=@E Item:,,,,
- %items%=@E Items:,,,,
- %injection%=@E Injection:,,,,
- %new_name%=@E New:,,name,,
- %old_name%=@E Old:,,"name",,
- %object%=@E Object:,,name,,
- %obj%=@E Obj:,,"name",,
- %paste%=@E Paste:,,,,
- %file%=@E File:,,file,,
- %file_name%=@E File:,,name,,
- %line%=@E Line:,,line,,
- %hash%=@E Hash:,,hash,,
- %key%=@E Key:,,key,,
- %glob%=@E Glob:,,"name",,
- %method%=@E Method:,,name,,
- %name%=@E Name:,,,,
- %val%=@E Map:,,value,,
- %group%=@E Group:,,value,,
- %value%=@E Map:,,value,,
- %yaml%=@E Yaml:,,,,
- %module_name%=@E Modul:,,name,,
- %left%=@E Left:,,,,
- %operator%=@E Operator:,,,,
- %right%=@E Right:,,,,
- %message%=@E Message:,,,,
- %actual%=@E Actual:,,,,
- %actual_float%=@E Actual float:,,15.0,,
- %actual_instance%=@E Actual:,,instance,,
- %actual_string%=@E Actual:,,string,,
- %ExpectedClass%=@E Expected:,,class,,
- %ExpectedKind%=@E Expected:,,kind,,
- %expected%=@E Expected:,,,,
- %expected_pattern%=@E Expected pattern:,,pattern,,
- %instance%=@E Instance:,,,,
- %test%=@E Test:,,,,
- %unexpected%=@E Unexpected:,,,,
- %unexpected_pattern%=@E Unexpected pattern:,,pattern,,
- %match%=@E Match:,,regexp,,
- %pattern%=@E Pattern:,,regexp,,
- %ParentClass%=@E Parent class:,,name,,
- %ClassName%=@E Class:,,name,,
- %ClassMethods%=@E Class methods:,,names,,
- %ModulName%=@E Modul:,,name,,
- %delegate%=@E Delegate:,,name,,
- %del_obj%=@E Delegate obj:,,name,,
- %delegate_object%=@E Delegate obj:,,name,,
- %del_meth%=@E Delegate method:,,name,,
- %del_methods%=@E Delegate methods:,,names,,
- %case_name%=@E Case:,,name,,
- %amp%=@E Test amp:,,name,,
- %library_file_name%=@E Library file:,,name,,
- %method_name%=@E Method:,,name,,
- %class_method_name%=@E Class method:,,name,,
- %self%=@E Self:,,,,
- %range%=@E Range:,,,,
- %pipe%=@E Pipe:,,,,
- %io%=@E IO:,,,,
- %test_case_file%=@E Testcase file:,,,,
- %sourcefile%=@O File:,,,Ruby files (*.rb;*.rbw)|*.rb;*.rbw,'
- ;----------------------
- ;------common----------
- %arg1%=@C Argument:,,,,
- %arg2%=@C Argument:,,,,
- %arg3%=@C Argument:,,,,
- %attr1%=@C Attribute:,,"name",,
- %attr2%=@C Attribute:,,"name",,
- %attr3%=@C Attribute:,,"name",,
- %collect%=@E Collection:,,,,
- %cond%=@E Condition:,,x==y,,
- %cond_if%=@E if:,,x>y,,
- %cond_elsif%=@E elsif:,,x<y,,
- %classname%=@E Class:,,name,,
- %elem1%=@E Element:,,elem,,
- %elem2%=@E Element:,,elem,,
- %elem3%=@E Element:,,elem,,
- %expr1%=@C Expression:,,,,
- %expr2%=@C Expression:,,,,
- %expr3%=@C Expression:,,,,
- %key%=@E Map:,,key,,
- %methodname%=@E Method:,,name,,
- %object%=@E Object:,,name,,
- %module_name%=@E Modul:,,name,,
- %name%=@E Name:,,,,
- %oldname%=@E Old name:,,,,
- %sourcefile%=@O File:,,,Ruby files (*.rb;*.rbw)|*.rb;*.rbw,'
- %superclass%=@E Superclass:,,name,,
- %value%=@E Map:,,value,,
- %var%=@E Variable:,,name,,
- ;------------------------
- ;------textmate----------
- [rb | #!d:/ruby/bin/ruby]
- #!d:/ruby/bin/ruby
- |
- ;--------
- [forin| for à in à end]
- for %element% in %collection%
- %element%.|
- end
- ;--------
- [inject| inject object]
- inject(%object%) { ||%injection%, %element%| }
- ;--------
- [reject| reject element]
- reject { ||%element%| %element%.xxx }
- ;--------
- [select| select element]
- select { ||%element%| %element%.xxx }
- ;--------
- [ife| if à else à end]
- if %condition%
- |
- else
- end
- ;--------
- [if| if à end]
- if %condition%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [case| case à end]
- case %object%
- when %condition%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [y| :yields:]
- :yields: %arguments%
- ;--------
- [# =>| Add '# =>' Marker]
- # =>|
- ;--------
- [Array| Array.new(10) { |i| .. }]
- Array.new(${10}) { ||%i%| }
- ;--------
- [bm| Benchmark.bmbm(..) do .. end]
- TESTS = 10_000
- Benchmark.bmbm(10) do |results|
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [Dir| Dir.glob("..") { |file| .. }]
- Dir.glob(%glob%) { ||%file%| }
- ;--------
- [File| File.foreach ("..") { |line| .. }]
- File.foreach(%file%) { ||%line%| }
- ;--------
- [Hash| Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = .. }]
- Hash.new { ||%hash%, %key%| %hash%[%key%] = xxx }
- ;--------
- [Md| Marshal.dump(.., file)]
- File.open(%dump%, "w") { |%file%| Marshal.dump(%obj%, %file%) }
- ;--------
- [Ml| Marshal.load(obj)]
- File.open(%dump%) { ||%file%| Marshal.load(%file%) }
- ;--------
- [Pn| PStore.new( .. )]
- PStore.new(%file_name%)
- ;--------
- [b| New Block]
- =begin rdoc
- |
- =end
- ;--------
- [begin| begin à rescue à end]
- begin
- %paste%
- rescue %Exception% => %e%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [Yd| YAML.dump(.., file)]
- File.open(%yaml%, "w") { ||%file%| YAML.dump(%obj%, %file%) }
- ;--------
- [Yl| YAML.load(file)]
- File.open(%yaml%) { ||%file%| YAML.load(%file%) }
- ;--------
- [am| alias_method ..]
- alias_method :%new_name%, :%old_name%
- ;--------
- [all| all? { |e| .. }]
- all? { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [any| any? { |e| .. }]
- any? { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [app| application_code { .. }]
- if __FILE__ == $$PROGRAM_NAME
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [as| assert(..)]
- assert(%test%, "%message%")
- ;--------
- [ase| assert_equal(..)]
- assert_equal(%expected%, %actual%)
- ;--------
- [asid| assert_in_delta(..)]
- assert_in_delta(%expected_float%, %actual_float%, 20)
- ;--------
- [asio| assert_instance_of(..)]
- assert_instance_of(%ExpectedClass%, %actual_instance%)
- ;--------
- [asko| assert_kind_of(..)]
- assert_kind_of(%ExpectedKind%, %actual_instance%)
- ;--------
- [asm| assert_match(..)]
- assert_match(/%expected_pattern%/, %actual_string%)
- ;--------
- [asn| assert_nil(..)]
- assert_nil(%instance%)
- ;--------
- [asnm| assert_no_match(..)]
- assert_no_match(/%unexpected_pattern%/, %actual_string%)
- ;--------
- [asne| assert_not_equal(..)]
- assert_not_equal(%unexpected%, %actual%)
- ;--------
- [asnn| assert_not_nil(..)]
- assert_not_nil(%instance%)
- ;--------
- [asns| assert_not_same(..)]
- assert_not_same(%unexpected%, %actual%)
- ;--------
- [asnr| assert_nothing_raised(..) { .. }]
- assert_nothing_raised(%Exception%) { | }
- ;--------
- [asnt| assert_nothing_thrown { .. }]
- assert_nothing_thrown { | }
- ;--------
- [aso| assert_operator(..)]
- assert_operator(%left%, :%operator%, %right%)
- ;--------
- [asr| assert_raise(..) { .. }]
- assert_raise(%Exception%) { | }
- ;--------
- [asrt| assert_respond_to(..)]
- assert_respond_to(%object%, :%method%)
- ;--------
- [ass| assert_same(..)]
- assert_same(%expected%, %actual%)
- ;--------
- [ass| assert_send(..)]
- assert_send([%object%, :%message%, %args%])
- ;--------
- [ast| assert_throws(..) { .. }]
- assert_throws(:%expected%) { | }
- ;--------
- [rw| attr_accessor ..]
- attr_accessor :%attr_names%
- ;--------
- [r| attr_reader ..]
- attr_reader :%attr_names%
- ;--------
- [w| attr_writer ..]
- attr_writer :%attr_names%
- ;--------
- [cla| class .. < DelegateClass .. initialize .. end]
- class ${ClassName} < DelegateClass(%ParentClass%)
- def initialize
- super(%del_obj%)
- |
- end
- end
- ;--------
- [cla| class .. < ParentClass .. initialize .. end]
- class ${ClassName} < %ParentClass%
- def initialize
- |
- end
- end
- ;--------
- [cla| class .. < Struct .. initialize .. end]
- class ${ClassName} < Struct.new(:%attr_names%)
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- |
- end
- end
- ;--------
- [tc| class .. < Test::Unit::TestCase .. end]
- require "test/unit"
- require "%library_file_name%"
- class Test${amp} < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_%case_name%
- |
- end
- end
- ;--------
- [cla| class .. end]
- class %ClassName%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [cla| class .. initialize .. end]
- class %ClassName%
- def initialize
- |
- end
- end
- ;--------
- [cla| class BlankSlate .. initialize .. end]
- class ${BlankSlate}
- instance_methods.each { |meth| undef_method(meth) unless meth =~ /\A__/ }
- def initialize${var}
- @%delegate% = %delegate_object%
- |
- end
- def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
- @${delegate}.send(meth, *args, &block)
- end
- end
- ;--------
- [cla| class << self .. end]
- class << %self%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [class| class à end]
- class %ClassName%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [clafn| class_from_name()]
- split("::").inject(Object) { |par, const| par.const_get(const) }
- ;--------
- [cl| classify { |e| .. }]
- classify { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [col| collect { |e| .. }]
- collect { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [collect| collect element]
- collect { ||%element%| %element%.xxx }
- ;--------
- [dee| deep_copy(..)]
- Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(${obj_to_copy}))
- ;--------
- [def| def à end]
- def %method_name%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [mm| def method_missing .. end]
- def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [defs| def self .. end]
- def self.%class_method_name%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [deft| def test_ .. end]
- def test_%case_name%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [defd| def_delegator ..]
- def_delegator :${del_obj}, :${del_meth}, :${new_name}
- ;--------
- [defds| def_delegators ..]
- def_delegators :%del_obj%, :%del_methods%
- ;--------
- [deli| delete_if { |e| .. }]
- delete_if { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [det| detect { |e| .. }]
- detect { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [do| do à end]
- do
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [doo| Insert do |object| à end]
- do ||%object%|
- end
- ;--------
- [dow| downto(0) { |n| .. }]
- downto(|) { |%n%| }
- ;--------
- [ea| each { |e| .. }]
- each { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [each| each element]
- each { ||%element%| %element%.xxx }
- ;--------
- [eab| each_byte { |byte| .. }]
- each_byte { ||%byte%| | }
- ;--------
- [eac| each_char { |chr| .. }]
- each_char { ||%chr%| | }
- ;--------
- [eac| each_cons(..) { |group| .. }]
- each_cons(|) { |%group%| }
- ;--------
- [eai| each_index { |i| .. }]
- each_index { ||%i%| }
- ;--------
- [eak| each_key { |key| .. }]
- each_key { ||%key%| | }
- ;--------
- [eal| each_line { |line| .. }]
- each_line${1} { ||%line%| }
- ;--------
- [eap| each_pair { |name, val| .. }]
- each_pair { ||%name%, %val%| }
- ;--------
- [eas| each_slice(..) { |group| .. }]
- each_slice(|) { |%group%| }
- ;--------
- [eav| each_value { |val| .. }]
- each_value { ||%val%| }
- ;--------
- [eawi| each_with_index { |e, i| .. }]
- each_with_index { ||%e%, %i%| }
- ;--------
- [each_with_index| each_with_index]
- each_with_index { ||%element%, %index%| %element%.xxx }
- ;--------
- [elsif| elsif ...]
- elsif %condition%
- |
- ;--------
- [Embedded Code ù #{à}| Embedded Code ù #{à}]
- #{%paste%}
- ;--------
- [Forw| extend Forwardable]
- extend Forwardable
- ;--------
- [fet| fetch(name) { |key| .. }]
- fetch(%name%) { ||%key%| }
- ;--------
- [fil| fill(range) { |i| .. }]
- fill(%range%) { ||%i%| }
- ;--------
- [fin| find { |e| .. }]
- find { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [fina| find_all { |e| .. }]
- find_all { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [flao| flatten_once()]
- inject(Array.new) { ||%arr%, %a%| %arr%.push(*%a%) }
- ;--------
- [fl| flunk(..)]
- flunk("%message%")
- ;--------
- [gre| grep(/pattern/) { |match| .. }]
- grep(%pattern%) { ||%match%| }
- ;--------
- [gsu| gsub(/../) { |match| .. }]
- gsub(/%5pattern%/) { ||%match%| }
- ;--------
- [| Hash Pair ù :key => "value"]
- :%key% => %value%
- ;--------
- [Hash Pointer | Hash Pointer ù =>]
- =>
- ;--------
- [=> | Hash Pointer ù =>]
- =>
- ;--------
- [Comp| include Comparable ..]
- include Comparable
- def <=>(other)
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [Enum| include Enumerable ..]
- include Enumerable
- def each(&block)
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [inj| inject(init) { |mem, var| .. }]
- inject(%init%) { ||%mem%, %var%| }
- ;--------
- [lam| lambda { |args| .. }]
- lambda { ||%args%| }
- ;--------
- [map| map { |e| .. }]
- map { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [mapwi| map_with_index { |e, i| .. }]
- enum_with_index.map { ||%e%, %i%| }
- ;--------
- [max| max { |a, b| .. }]
- max { ||a, b| }
- ;--------
- [min| min { |a, b| .. }]
- min { ||a, b| }
- ;--------
- [mod| module .. ClassMethods .. end]
- module %ModuleName%
- module ClassMethods
- |
- end
- extend ClassMethods
- def self.included(receiver)
- receiver.extend(ClassMethods)
- end
- end
- ;--------
- [mod| module .. end]
- module %ModuleName%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [mod| module .. module_function .. end]
- module %ModuleName%
- module_function
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [Insert | Insert { |variable| à }]
- { ||${variable}| º}
- ;--------
- [ope| open("path/or/url", "w") { |io| .. }]
- open(%pipe%) { ||%io%| }
- ;--------
- [optp| option_parse { .. }]
- require "optparse"
- require "ostruct"
- options = OpenStruct.new(|)
- ARGV.options do |opts|
- opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($$PROGRAM_NAME)}[OPTIONS]"
- opts.separator ""
- opts.separator "Specific Options:"
- |
- opts.separator "Common Options:"
- opts.on( "-h", "--help",
- "Show this message." ) do
- puts opts
- exit
- end
- begin
- opts.parse!
- rescue
- puts opts
- exit
- end
- end
- ;--------
- [par| partition { |e| .. }]
- partition { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [patfh| path_from_here( .. )]
- File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[here|])
- ;--------
- [ran| randomize()]
- sort_by { rand }
- ;--------
- [rej| reject { |e| .. }]
- reject { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [req| require "..""]
- require "|"
- ;--------
- [ts| require "tc_.." ..]
- require "test/unit"
- require "tc_%test_case_file%"
- require "tc_|"
- ;--------
- [rep| results.report(..) { .. }]
- results.report("%name%:") { TESTS.times { | } }
- ;--------
- [reve| reverse_each { |e| .. }]
- reverse_each { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [sca| scan(/../) { |match| .. }]
- scan(/%pattern%/) { ||%match%| }
- ;--------
- [sel| select { |e| .. }]
- select { ||%e%| }
- ;--------
- [sin| singleton_class()]
- class << self; self end
- ;--------
- [sor| sort { |a, b| .. }]
- sort { ||a, b| }
- ;--------
- [sorb| sort_by { |e| .. }]
- sort_by { ||%e%| | }
- ;--------
- [ste| step(2) { |e| .. }]
- step(${2}) { ||%n%| }
- ;--------
- [sub| sub(/../) { |match| .. }]
- sub(/%pattern%/) { ||%match%| }
- ;--------
- [tim| times { |n| .. }]
- times { ||%n%| }
- ;--------
- [tra| transaction( .. ) { .. }]
- transaction { | }
- ;--------
- [uni| unix_filter { .. }]
- ARGF.each_line do ||%line%|
- end
- ;--------
- [unless| unless à end]
- unless %condition%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [until| until ... end]
- until %condition%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [opt| option(..)]
- opts.on( "-o", "--option",
- "description" ) do ||opt|
- end
- ;--------
- [upt| upto(1.0/0.0) { |n| .. }]
- upto(|) { |%n%| }
- ;--------
- [usai| usage_if()]
- if ARGV.${1}
- puts "Usage: #{$$PROGRAM_NAME} ARGS_GO_HERE"
- exit
- end
- ;--------
- [usau| usage_unless()]
- unless ARGV.${1}
- puts "Usage: #{$$PROGRAM_NAME} ARGS_GO_HERE"
- exit
- end
- ;--------
- [when| when à]
- when %condition%
- |
- ;--------
- [while| while ... end]
- while %condition%
- |
- end
- ;--------
- [zip| zip(enums) { |row| .. }]
- zip(enums) { ||row| }
- ;--------
- [mcol| Add Column]
- add_column :table, :column, :string|
- ;--------
- [mcol| Create Column in Table]
- t.column :title, :string|
- ;--------
- [mccc| Create Several Columns]
- t.column :title, :string
- mccc|
- ;--------
- [mtab| Create Table]
- create_table :table do ||t|
- end
- ;--------
- [mtab| Drop / Create Table]
- drop_table :table
- ;--------
- [mtab| Drop Table]
- drop_table :table
- |
- ;--------
- [mcol| Remove Column]
- remove_column :table, :column
- ;--------
- RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug "%message%"|
- ;--------
- [mcol| Rename Column]
- rename_column :column, :new_column
- ;--------
- [mtab| Rename Table]
- rename_table :table, :new_name|
- ;--------
- [art| assert_redirected_to]
- assert_redirected_to :action => "%index%"
- ;--------
- [asre| assert_response]
- assert_response :success
- ;--------
- [bt| belongs_to]
- belongs_to :${object}
- ;--------
- [habtm| has_and_belongs_to_many]
- has_and_belongs_to_many :%object%
- ;--------
- [hm| has_many]
- has_many :%objects%
- ;--------
- [ho| has_one]
- has_one :%object%
- ;--------
- [log| logger.debug]
- logger.debug "%message%"|
- ;--------
- [log| logger.error]
- logger.error "%message%"|
- ;--------
- [log| logger.fatal]
- logger.fatal "%message%"|
- ;--------
- [log| logger.info]
- logger.info "%message%"|
- ;--------
- [log| logger.warn]
- logger.warn "%message%"|
- ;--------
- [flash| flash[à]]
- flash[:notice] = "Successfully"|
- ;--------
- [params[à| params[à]]
- params[:id]
- ;--------
- [session[à| session[à]]
- session[:User]
- ;--------
- [rcea| render_component (action)]
- render_component :action => "%index%"
- ;--------
- [rcec| render_component (controller)]
- render_component :controller => "%items%"
- ;--------
- [rceca| render_component (controller, action)]
- render_component :controller => "%items%", :action => "%index%"
- ;--------
- [rea| redirect_to (action)]
- redirect_to :action => "%index%"
- ;--------
- [reai| redirect_to (action, id)]
- redirect_to :action => "show", :id => item
- ;--------
- [rec| redirect_to (controller)]
- redirect_to :controller => "%items%"
- ;--------
- [reca| redirect_to (controller, action)]
- redirect_to :controller => "items", :action => "list"
- ;--------
- [recai| redirect_to (controller, action, id)]
- redirect_to :controller => "items", :action => "show", :id => item
- ;--------
- [ra| render (action)]
- render :action => "action"
- ;--------
- [ral| render (action, layout)]
- render :action => "action", :layout => "layoutname"
- ;--------
- [rf| render (file)]
- render :file => "filepath"
- ;--------
- [rfu| render (file, use_full_path)]
- render :file => "filepath", :use_full_path => false
- ;--------
- [ri| render (inline)]
- render :inline => "hello"
- ;--------
- [ril| render (inline, locals)]
- render :inline => "hello", :locals => { %name% => "%value%"| }
- ;--------
- [rit| render (inline, type)]
- render :inline => "hello", :type => rxml
- ;--------
- [rl| render (layout)]
- render :layout => "layoutname"
- ;--------
- [rn| render (nothing)]
- render :nothing => true
- ;--------
- [rns| render (nothing, status)]
- render :nothing => true, :status => 401
- ;--------
- [rp| render (partial)]
- render :partial => "item"
- ;--------
- [rpc| render (partial, collection)]
- render :partial => "item", :collection => items
- ;--------
- [rpl| render (partial, locals)]
- render :partial => "item", :locals => { :%name% => "%value%| }
- ;--------
- [rpo| render (partial, object)]
- render :partial => "item", :object => object
- ;--------
- [rps| render (partial, status)]
- render :partial => "item", :status => 500
- ;--------
- [rt| render (text)]
- render :text => "render"
- ;--------
- [rtl| render (text, layout)]
- render :text => "render", :layout => "layoutname"
- ;--------
- [rtlt| render (text, layout => true)]
- render :text => "render", :layout => true
- ;--------
- [rts| render (text, status)]
- render :text => "render", :status => 401
- ;--------
- [va| validates_associated]
- validates_associated :%attribute%
- ;--------
- [vc| validates_confirmation_of]
- validates_confirmation_of :%attribute%
- ;--------
- [ve| validates_exclusion_of]
- validates_exclusion_of :%attribute%
- ;--------
- [vl| validates_length_of]
- validates_length_of :%attribute%, :within => 20
- ;--------
- [vp| validates_presence_of]
- validates_presence_of :%attribute%
- ;--------
- [vpif| validates_presence_of if]
- validates_presence_of :%attribute%, :if => proc { ||obj| %condition% }}
- ;--------
- [vu| validates_uniqueness_of]
- validates_uniqueness_of :%attribute%
- ;--------
- [verify| verify ù render]
- verify :only => [:|], :method => :post, :render => {:status => 500, :text => "use HTTP-POST"}
- |
- ;--------
- [verify| verify ù redirect]
- verify :only => [:|], :session => :user, :params => :id, :redirect_to => {:action => '%index%'}
- |
- ;----------------------
- ;------common----------
- [class |N class à end]
- class %classname%
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [class init |N class à initialize à end]
- class %classname%
- def initialize(%arg1)
- |
- end
- end
- ;-------------------
- [class < |N class name < superclass à end]
- class %classname% < %superclass%
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [class << |N class << object à end]
- class << %object%
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [def |N def method]
- def %methodname%
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [def |N def method(arg)]
- def %methodname%(%arg1%)
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [attr_reader |N attr_reader à]
- attr_reader :|
- ;-------------------
- [attr_writer |N attr_writer à]
- attr_writer :|
- ;-------------------
- [attr_accessor |N attr_accessor à]
- attr_accessor :|
- ;-------------------
- [attr_accessor |N attr_accessor :attr1, :attr2, :attr3]
- attr_accessor :%attr1%, :%attr2%, :%attr3% |
- ;-------------------
- [def + |N def + method]
- def +(%object%)
- return self.value + %object%.value
- end
- ;-------------------
- [module |N module name]
- module %module_name%
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [do end |N do à end]
- do
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [{ } |N block { }]
- { | }
- ;-------------------
- [if |N if à]
- if |
- ;-------------------
- [if end |N if à end]
- if %cond_if%
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [if else |N if à else à end]
- if %cond_if%
- |
- else
- end
- ;-------------------
- [else |N else à end]
- else
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [if elsif else |N if à elsif à else à end]
- if %cond_if% then
- |
- elsif %cond_elsif% then
- else
- end
- ;-------------------
- [unless |N code unless conditional]
- unless |
- ;-------------------
- [unless else |N unless à else à end]
- unless %cond%
- |
- else
- end
- ;-------------------
- [case |N case à end]
- case %object%
- when %cond% then
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [case |N case à when à else à end]
- case %expr1%
- when %expr2% then
- |
- else
- end
- ;-------------------
- [while |N while à]
- while |
- ;-------------------
- [while |N while à do]
- while %cond% do
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [begin while |N begin à end while à]
- begin
- |
- end while %cond%
- ;-------------------
- [until |N until ...]
- until |
- ;-------------------
- [until do |N until à do]
- until %cond% do
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [begin until |N begin à end until à]
- begin
- |
- end until %cond1%
- ;-------------------
- [for |N for à in à end]
- for %elem1% in %collect%
- %elem1%.|
- end
- ;-------------------
- [for do|N for à in à do]
- for %var% in %expr1% do
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [each.do |N à.each do |var| à end]
- each.do ||%var%| end
- ;-------------------
- ;-------------------
- [BEGIN |N BEGIN { à }]
- |
- }
- ;-------------------
- [END |N END { à }]
- END {
- |
- }
- ;-------------------
- [lambda |N lambda {|args| à }]
- lambda { ||%arg1%| }
- ;-------------------
- [proc |N proc { à }]
- proc { | }
- ;-------------------
- [alias_method |N alias_method :name, :old_name]
- alias_method :%name%, :%oldname%|
- ;-------------------
- [all? |N all? { |e| à }]
- all? { ||e| }
- ;-------------------
- [any? |N any? { |e| à }]
- any? { ||e| }
- ;-------------------
- [application_code |N application_code { à }]
- if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME
- |
- end
- ;-------------------
- [any? |N any? { |e| à }]
- any? { ||e| }
- ;-------------------
- [Array |N Array.new(10) { |i| à }]
- Array.new(10) { ||i| }
- ;-------------------
- [array |N array with 3 elements]
- [|elem1, elem2, elem3]
- ;-------------------
- [array |N array with 3 elements]
- [%elem1%, %elem2%, %elem3%|]
- ;-------------------
- [{ hash } |N hash with 3 maps of key => value]
- { |key1 => value2, key2 => value2, key3 => value3 }
- ;-------------------
- [{ key => value } |N hash with one key => value map]
- { %key% => %value%| }
- ;-------------------
- [puts |N puts string]
- puts "º|"
- ;-------------------
- [printf |N printf string]
- printf "º|"
- ;-------------------
- ["str".length | "string".length]
- "º|".length
- ;-------------------
- [$var |N global variable]
- $|
- [@var |N instance variable]
- @|
- [@@var |N class variable]
- @@|
- ;-------------------
- ;---------------------------------------
- [Keywords]
- ;---------------------------------------
- __FILE__
- __LINE__
- alias
- and
- attr_accessor
- begin
- break
- case
- class
- def
- defined?
- do
- else
- elsif
- end
- ensure
- false
- for
- if
- in
- module
- next
- nil
- not
- or
- raise
- redo
- rescue
- retry
- return
- self
- super
- then
- true
- undef
- unless
- until
- when
- while
- yield